Hide & Seek started as a simple discussion amongst girlfriends on the affordability of luxury products. We have all been to those close out sales or off brand stores that sell knockoffs of our most desirable high-end brands. We wondered if we could create affordable luxury.
Let's be honest there are hundreds of lipsticks on the market but, how many are pigmented to the highest potential, little fall out or transfer wit no drying or stabbing lips? Just a handful at most and they come at a price for what qualities we believe should be the standard.
This wasn't an overnight journey. It took 2 years of R&D to get here, and each pinpoint, delay, or bump was all worth it when we knew we've created something amazing. We have created beautiful lipsticks with gorgeous tones and textures without breaking the bank.
Simran & Lamya created this out of their love for makeup and for the need for affordable luxury. These young women are not formulation specialist or chemist, they are two South-Asian girls who love everything that is makeup.
Being consumers of this industry for over two decades they can tell you what's worth the price and what's overhyped without batting an eye. Hide & Seek is created through knowledge and passion and that will show when you try any of their lipsticks or any future products to come.
We cannot wait for you to fall in love with our lipsticks.
Big Love and Be You Own Kind Of Beautiful.